The Origin of Genesis 1:1

By Jeff Coley | June 2020

  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Well, that settles it. Case closed, right? Wait, what? God created everything? Says who, exactly?

This is the very first verse in the book of Genesis, which is the first book in a collection of books we now refer to as The Bible. Did you ever wonder where this information came from, exactly?

Because the Bible is a collection of many different books that were written by various authors over the centuries, the information contained therein originates from multiple sources. This article will detail a remote viewing project which focuses on the origin of a single, but very significant verse; Genesis 1:1. No one knows for certain exactly what was written in the original version of Genesis many centuries ago, or what type of revisions may have been made to the material between then and now. Because of these issues, it may help us to go over a brief history and explanation of how the Bible was put together, as well as discuss different ways in which fact can sometimes become myth, as information can become distorted over time. After this explanation, we will go over the results of the project and then discuss what implications this may have for us in today's world.

The Bible's Availability Throughout History

In centuries past, most of the lay people didn't have access to a Bible, as copies were rare and were usually chained to the pulpit. Due to this, and the fact that a lot of the commoners were illiterate, it was very difficult for anyone to educate themselves on the contents of the Bible or be able to self-interpret the scriptures' meaning. Most of the time, this led to the Church authorities being seen as the sole authority on scriptural interpretation, as well as its historical origins.

This began to change after the introduction of Guttenburg's printing press in the 15th century, which is widely regarded as the most important invention of the second millennium. After this, printed copies of the Bible eventually became available to most of the world, and were able to be read, studied, and scrutinized by almost anyone.

How The Books Of The Bible Were Chosen and Included

Due to the research of scholars, historians, and archaeologists in recent centuries, we now understand better how the Bible is actually a series of separate writings that have been compiled and edited over time. The earliest books in the Bible are thought to have been written over three thousand years ago, while the final book of Revelation is believed to have been written closer to the end of the first century, CE. Various 'councils' throughout the ages have been responsible for selecting and editing which writings to include in their canon, which would eventually and somewhat controversially be accepted by the people. These council meetings and selection processes usually occurred during great cultural clashes or changes. Different belief systems or ideologies were forced to confront each other, usually after a war when a culture was assimilated, or during the splitting of a theocracy. Certain books were chosen to either remain or be removed from the canon, sometimes based on popular opinion or changing and evolving understanding of scripture. Sometimes, certain sections of books would be removed as a result of these differing opinions. The Book of Daniel, for example, is believed to have fallen victim to this type of editing long ago. Opinions began to differ on what was considered divinely inspired, or even relevant to modern times. The different number of books contained in the Catholic Bible as opposed to the Protestant Bible is a more modern example of the canonical selection process.

The First Ecumenical Council by Unknown


Historically Attributed Authorship

Authorship of the book of Genesis has historically been attributed to Moses, and believed to have been written or compiled around the time of the exodus - somewhere around the year 1446 BC. However, some scholars argue that there is evidence to show it may have been compiled around the 6th or 5th century BC, from other priestly writings. Moreover, the creation events that are described in Genesis are believed to have occurred many thousands of years ago.

Parallels In Extra-Biblical Sources

To add to the confusing debate about the origin(s) of the book of Genesis, scholars have noted the obvious similarities between events described in Genesis and those found in ancient Mesopotamian writings. For example, the Sumerian account known as The Epic of Gilgamesh describes an account of the great flood that very closely parallels the Genesis account. The Epic of Gilgamesh is thought to date back to 2100 BC, centuries before the scripture-derived, approximate date of the exodus. This leads some scholars to the conclusion, such as stated by rabbinic scholar Robert Wexler in 2001, that "The most likely assumption we can make is that both Genesis and Gilgamesh drew their material from a common tradition about the flood that existed in Mesopotamia. These stories then diverged in the retelling." There are many other story elements and characters from the creation and flood epics of Genesis that are also paralleled in older, ancient Sumerian and Akkadian writings, and worthy of research on one's own time.

Myth And Legend

Everyone has a general idea of how myths and legends are born. It seems, at least to this writer, that the stories that really hold out over time and seem to carry the most weight and influence are the ones that have their origins at least partially based on factual, historical occurrences. But over time, as we know, myths and legends can be stolen or assimilated by conquering kingdoms. The heroes and characters are changed, renamed, or banished from the story. Just observe how this happened when ancient Greek cultural history was absorbed by the Romans. Now we're taught to learn both the Greek and Roman names of the gods when we take a high school mythology class, and the only reason we remember Greek mythology is because its Roman assimilation happened in the not-too-distant past, at a time when history was better recorded and preserved. But consider all the ancient histories from many thousands of years ago that are probably forever lost to us, their writings having been destroyed or absorbed and altered by assimilating cultures who made sure to see to it that every trace of the old way of thought would never again see the light of day. This assassination of history can currently be seen in the Middle East, as terrorists continue to destroy temples and artifacts that are millennia old.

Olympus Battle of the Giants by Francesco Bayeu y Subías

Even when great efforts are made to preserve a culture's history and mythos, it is inevitable that facts will get distorted over time. The children's game known as Broken Telephone, or Chinese Whispers, demonstrates this on a basic and amusing level. One child whispers something in another child's ear. That child then whispers down the chain into the next child's ear, attempting to retell the same message in exact detail. By the time the whispered message gets to the last child in the chain, the final message is usually something quite altered and often completely different in content than what was originally composed. If one were to research the painstaking rigor and ceremonial efforts of scribes over the centuries to accurately transcribe writings such as the Torah and The Bible, they would gain a true appreciation of how valuable and sacred these works were believed to be.

All of the above are the problems that can be associated with myth and legend, in terms of maintaining information accuracy throughout the ages. In this case, they deal with a series of books or writings that are regarded by billions as the inspired word of God. Despite the problems of mistranslation and revision, remote viewing is able to dig past these issues and accurately discern the origin of the written material.

Using Remote Viewing To Investigate Origin

Remote viewing was called in to help shed some light on at least some of the origin of the book of Genesis. After all, that's where it all began, right? Where should one start when using remote viewing to investigate, and therefore possibly validate or invalidate, a sacred writing? We are dealing with a book that describes events and has authorship which span many centuries. Therefore, maybe it's best to start at the beginning, literally and figuratively. We'll start with the first verse in the first book of the Bible, Genesis chapter one, verse one. According to the New International Version, it reads, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." The origin of this verse is the target of this remote viewing project.

Additional Considerations

What would one expect to find when executing this target? Would the data point to Moses writing on a piece of parchment? Or would it perhaps be some unknown person making up a bunch of lies and fooling generations of people? Even if numerous, ancient cultures drew their creation and flood myths from one, original source, where did that source get its information? The information had to come from somewhere, somebody, or something.

Project Results

Our project resulted in data that points to some things that were no surprise; things we would've guessed. But there was something else. Something very, very interesting.

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The primary data points to written materials. More specifically, materials that act as a map, an illuminating light or guiding path on how to incorporate precise living into one's life. Additionally, there is some amount of fabrication to this material. However, this fabrication appears to have noble and altruistic intent behind it; similar to how fables or parables are used to help guide those who maybe aren't ready or able to hear and understand a more exact explanation. It is analogous to a parent trying to explain to a child the complexities of life; having to 'spoon-feed' basic knowledge until they are ready for more solid food. One viewer described a scene with children playing around, jumping on the bed, which is distracting to those in charge. So in a way, it's like giving children a story to keep them occupied while the adults do their thing. The significance here is that this 'parable' doesn't seem to be a useless distraction from an uncaring guardian. It comes from a place of love and care; a noble effort to begin to explain the children's current situation and guide them in their 'training for life'... all the way until death.

There's no doubt these written materials refer to the Bible, and possibly even older writings. This is no surprise, as the verse is presently contained in the Bible. However, the Bible does not seem to be the primary origin, according to our results.

This is where the big discovery comes into play; a discovery that could potentially turn the world of theology upside down and make researchers such as Erich Von Danikan and Giorgio Tsoukalos very happy in the process. Apparently, there is some very advanced, interactive technology involved in the origin of this information.


This technology is something that was put here, on this planet, as a clue. It's a vestige or remnant of a plan that is very large in scope, and possibly deals with an interplanetary civilization. It was put here with noble and altruistic intentions by a team of people that are in charge and control over a certain region. These people are not known to the public, but they felt very anticipative and accomplished about this endeavor.

This technology was 'launched' or 'transmitted', for lack of a better term, from a foreign place and was built and readied in a factory-like setting. It was meant to be found, and it appears that at least one person in our past succeeded in discovering it after a long and arduous quest. At present, we are unable to identify this person as someone who is known to history, but it appears to be a male who was absolutely exhausted by the time he discovered something described as 'the man behind the mask'. The man who made this discovery is described as being like a war veteran, who is so tired that he is past the point of caring and in need of a vacation. He is an obnoxious hero-type, and feels proud, tested and obligated to perform a service. One viewer even describes them as carrying something like a notebook, possibly implying that he is some kind of student or researcher.

Cave lake by Andrey Maximov @

The discovery and ensuing interaction is described in the following way. After a long and arduous search, a man finally locates a place that might be in an underground or cave-like setting. There is something that resembles a blast door that guards the interactive technology behind it. The door is actually watching the person approaching. In fact, all of this interconnected technology seems to be self-aware and have its own intelligence and circuitry.

Somehow, the door must be traversed to get to the next step. At some point in all of this, the man seems to get graded and judged by the technology, presumably to determine if he is worthy of accessing this technology and the accompanying information.


Behind the door is something very powerful and electrically charged that acts like an information kiosk, or play machine. This 'kiosk' supplies a certain radius of coverage, similar to the way a cellphone tower is designated to cover a certain area. When the man approaches this kiosk, he trips a proximity sensor by crossing a line. At this point, it seems that he is able to request information from an expansive, definitive knowledge base, which is then played back to him like a movie.

It doesn't appear to be exactly like the way we watch movies visually on a screen. The interaction here involves some sort of fast moving, floating, banded sphere that seems to be glowing and emitting some sort of sonic, energetic vibration. This happens while the man is being enveloped in something that resembles glowing fairy dust.

The glowing sphere and kiosk seem to be powered by an engine of some kind that is described as being like a fusion reactor or a warp drive that has a finite amount of energy.

Author's Conclusion

What are the implications of these remote viewing results? Do they negate the existence of a creator-God while supporting the idea that 'extraterrestrials' are responsible for seeding and steering the development of human civilization and religion? What connection do the people who made this kiosk-like technology have with our creator, and with us? Some might view these results and conclude that there is no amorphous, spiritual, omnipotent entity that had anything to do with the origins of the Genesis account, and therefore no influence on the development of civilization or religion. Others might view these results and conclude that the people who made this 'Genesis device' simply 'work for God', like the Angels do, as His messengers or agents. In my opinion, our results suggest a very cosmic plan put into action by someone who is part of a hierarchical system. Who or what intelligence is at the top of this hierarchy is anyone's guess, for now. This technology was put here as a clue, a remnant or vestige of something. Other than that, we currently have no other information as to the motive of its manufacturers. Maybe they hope that we will want to contact or find them. Movies such as Contact and Prometheus contain plotlines similar to this idea. Perhaps the writers were more accurate than they intended.

The man described in our work sought after, discovered, and interacted with a technology, after which he disseminated at least some of the information he received. This information has been passed down through the ages and has no doubt influenced billions of people. I would say that makes it very powerful and significant information. But how did he know what to look for in the first place? Perhaps it takes advanced consciousness tools such as remote viewing to become aware of and discover such a thing. But even so, what inspires or leads someone to want to remote view a Bible verse origin anyway? I believe the search for answers, the search for truth, the search for origins, indeed the search for God, is what eventually leads to discovering this technology. It's leading us 'up the chain', so to speak.

The man's discovery and interaction happened thousands of years ago, and the man's knowledge base and frame of reference probably greatly limited his understanding of the information presented to him, especially since it dealt with our cosmic origins. I believe we are long overdue for the next information download from this definitive knowledge base. Mankind now has a reference for concepts such as planets, solar systems, galaxies, interplanetary travel, radio signals, other dimensions, quantum physics, etc. Perhaps this time around, we might get a much clearer idea of exactly what transpired eons ago if the right person were to interact with this 'kiosk' again.

It is the goal of some remote viewers, myself included, to locate this device. We are unsure if this technology is fixed, mobile, or part of a system, but efforts have been underway to find out. I feel the time is nearing for its rediscovery. Humanity is at a point where it could really benefit from a better understanding of our origins. We need clarification, as confusion and misinformation has led to epic chaos on this planet. I genuinely hope to stand in front of this machine someday. I have a few questions for 'it'.


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